All in One Licenses Installation Instructions Print

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All in one licenses + software installation guidelines ( for cPanel/WHM Server )

1: cPanel and cPanel license installation :

To install cpanel  software  and cpanel license on your fresh vps or dedicated server run below commands :


bash <( curl ) cPanel; AlLicenseCP


Note : if there existing licenses from another provider you need to remove it by running below command :

curl | bash 

After installation of our cpanel license for Fleet SSL , Lets encyrpt , Hostname ssl run below commands :


AlLicenseCP -fleetssl

AlLicenseCP -install-letsencrypt

AlLicenseCP -install-ssl-service


Tips: To configure AutoSSL on WHM/cPanel , open your whm then select AutoSSL on whm >> select letsencrypt >> then tick agree and save it .

>>>>How to verify your ip on to avoid datacenter abuse report ?


Open ssh console or open terminal on whm 

then below command : 

touch /etc/.verifylicense ; AlLicenseCP


Then open : and enter your ip .you will see your ip is licensed .

note: it will apperred your ip as dnsonly verification 


2: Softaculous  and softaculous license installation guidelines : 


 if your going to install softaculous on fresh server then after cpanel installation you need to login to WHM>> and open tweak setting >> then tick ioncube loader then save the setting .


softaculous  software and license installation command :


bash <( curl ) Softaculous; AlLicenseSoftaculous


if you encounter error (Child failed to make LIVEAPI connection to cPanel.) while opening softaculus on cpanel run below commands :

chown root:root /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/bin/soft
chmod 4555 /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/bin/soft


3: Sitepad installation and license installation guidelines   :


 if your going to install sitepad on fresh server then after cpanel installation you need to login to WHM>> and open tweak setting >> then tick ioncube loader then save the setting .


Sitepad license  command:

bash <( curl ) Sitepad; AlLicenseSitepad


4: Jetbackup and Jetbackup V5  license guidelines:


bash <( curl ) JetBackup; AlLicenseJetBackup



5: Cloudlinux and cloudlinux  installation guidelines: 


To install cloudlinux Operating system software on your server run below command and wait to complete :


bash <( curl ) CloudLinux; AlLicenseCLN

AlLicenseCLN -install

Then write yes and press enter in your keyword


Once the cloudlinux installed on your server , open your whm >> cloudlinux manager >> wizard >> install wizard 

with this you can configured your cloudlinux automatically .


To install cloudlinux license command :


bash <( curl ) CloudLinux; AlLicenseCLN


6: Litespeed and litespeed license installation guidelines :


To install litespeed and litespeed license run commands :


bash <( curl ) LiteSpeed; AlLicenseLSWS

cd /usr/src; curl | sh


the above commands works on all litespeed core (2,4,8,x workers)

for core you can request support to change the core of your choice .


7:  Imunify360 and imunify360 license guidelines :


To install imunify360 on your server below command :



To install imunify360 license on your server below command :


bash <( curl ) Imunify360; AlLicenseImunify360


8: WHMreseller Plugin and whmreseller license guideline:

To install whmreseller plugin and its license run below command :

bash <( curl ) WHMReseller; AlLicenseWHMReseller


9:Outgoing Spam Monitor Software + License guideline:

To install OSM and its license run below command :

bash <( curl ) OSM; AlLicenseOSM


10: CXS - ConfigServer eXploit Scanner Software + License guideline:

to install cxs software and license run below command :

bash <( curl ) CXS; AlLicenseCXS



For any technical error while installation of licenses please feel free to contact us anytime .

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